Wednesday, December 17, 2008

on the art of being sketchy.

after hours of being cooped up in buttrick 4th floor, somehow, meg, hew, j gunn and lutalo and myself started calling each other out on our personal levels of sketchiness. this discussion turned very heated [and hilarious] because while some people are sketchyyyy from day 1, freshman fall, others [according to them, like myself] become sketchy quite randomly and sketch out exponentially. well. since it's hard to glean a person's personal sketchiness, since i don't own a sketchometer [but i DO own a thirstometer...another story for another day], i figured, hey. there need to be some general rules for pulling sketchiness off. and they are:

  1. never, ever, ever admit you've been out sketching when if u get caught. lie.
  2. the hours from 11 pm - 7 am are sketching hours.
  3. any male in cole and any female in tolman can be considered lurking/being sketchy even outside of the set aside sketch hours.
  4. anyone wearing the same clothing you noticed them wearing the day before = busted
  5. when lurking in towers, always go down to the first floor then come up.
  6. when lurking in the commons, at least have a computer and 1 notebook so you have proof that you are taking notes on some obscure subject.
  7. when you're on the vandy van between the hours of 1-5 am on a weekday and you see someone getting off on a stop where they don't live, they're lurking. but don't bust them out, because odds on you're on the vandy van for the same reason. no group project meets at 2 am.
  8. generally, upperclassmen on commons after 10 pm not in the commons center = lurking
  9. generally, freshmen on main campus after 10 pm not in sarratt = lurking
  10. luckily, in the winter, you can hide your identity. hoods. scarves. glasses. boots.
  11. if you are approached about your comings and goings and the nosy individual guesses correctly, you can/should ask them about any recent gossip concerning them to throw them off track.
  12. when signing someone in to a dorm that has security [towers, ingram, north, etc] and your friend is off campus, but from the nashville area, do not write his/her correct name down. nosy people look through these lists.
  13. best method of establishing a lurk connection = instant messager, as long as u close out the application afterwards. cant be traced.
  14. don't be ashamed if you are indeed caught lurking. you're getting yours and the haters are greeeeeeeen.

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