Friday, January 16, 2009


"he makes me feel so good/
better than i would by myself/
or if i were with somebody else"
-paraphrased from T-Pain's "Can't Believe It"

Lord give me the strength to

look past those who lied to my face
forgive those who failed me
pretend to ignore their hurtful comments
save myself from their devilish ways
distance myself from those who don't matter
love myself really and truly above all others

and Lord, if You can,

let me be open to the blessing
of new people wanting to be in my life

especially him, sleeping peacefully,
as if we've known each other
for all time

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

reading in the dark.

i said i could do 18 hours
and theoretically i can
if all i do is grind grind grind
eyes wide open
mouth wide shut

but i never intended
so early on in this round
to have been knocked down
by so many people
so many times

i'm up early trying to finish this book
that needs to be done by 1
which is impossible because i have
classes at 10, 11, and 12

every light in my room is on
but it feels like i'm 
reading in the dark grasping
for the sentences to make sense
to my puzzled brain

i cant even focus on 
black rage in the prison system when
my mind is wrapped around
29919194 things at once and

i really just want to
lock myself in my room 
the rest of the semester and 
read and read and read but
i know no matter how many
300 watt lightbulbs i plug in

i won't be able to see
the words on the pages because
the darkness has blinded me
and i'm choking on my tears