training camp
usually in the summer months,
parents kiss their kids goodbye
as they venture off to camp
they'll have to do away with
some of the amenities of home,
endure the heat, and make new friends.
it's an american tradition.
with NFL families, we reverse that shit
i packed my daddy's lunch for his first day
at training camp
he whined about not having an apple
in his bag, his favorite treat
my mom helped him pack his clothes
and we drove him to kentucky
where all the other 'boys' were
kissed him goodbye and watched him
wave, listlessly like we were orphaning him
in the back window of the benz
daddy called probably 30 minutes after
as most kids do at camp once they realized
that they are really stuck at this place
he said he wanted to come home
and that his roommates, some of the other coaches,
brought refrigerators and he was jealous.
my mom told him to ask the other coaches
other middle aged upper class men
if he could share with them until he got his own.
he got all huffy and hung up the phone.
a day later daddy calls my mom
mad because the other coaches played a trick on him
he hates clowns and they woke him up
with red noses on their faces
and the other coaches and players teased him
on the field all day
my mother told him that they were just
being silly, to not be sad, and get them back
by making the players run extra 40s.
this made daddy happy.
a week later, daddy shows up back home
unexpectedly, saying he missed us a lot
and he missed his HBO even more
there is none at camp and he is going crazy
listening to chad johnson's foolishness
so my mom fixes him his favorite dish
and he watches some chris rock until
the sun sets and he has to go back to came
begrudgingly, like a seven year old going back
to time out
this year, camp is being filmed by HBO
so everyone is trying to be on their best
or worst
behavior, depending on what will get them
more camera time
my dad called asking for his lucky tie
because he had to do an interview and
he would feel nervous without it
we fedex him the the tie
along with a jar of swedish fish
and he feels much better
daddy can't wait until we can come and visit
and he can show us around, with bravado,
his new stomping grounds
its hilarious that we are appeasing my 48 year old
father like he is a pre-pubescent boy at summer camp
but after witnessing a water balloon fight last year
with 50 year old coaches and their 30 year old players
you realize that although times change
boys become men and these men take pride
in their profession
when you throw the first water balloon,
the playbooks go out the window and
the men become boys again
1 comment:
kinda funny
its a good start
id like to see stronger metaphors
between this camp and a childs camp
less obvious you know
alittle more mystery
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