Monday, October 19, 2009

9 / 30 : beautiful.

i'm squatting here waiting for a vandy van. just finished a paper in the commons since i cant write in my room and i was helping jess unbraid her hair/provide comic relief. anyway, yeah.


every time you see me you tell me i look
and i can't help but blush and say
thank you
i'm usually quick with a witty retort
or i have
some smart ass comment to dispel but
you look at me like
you really believe that i looked
last night

i've been given many compliments in my life
from many men at
various occasions but
the sincerity in your smile and
the way your eyes met mine
it was thirty four degrees outside
and it's been 20 degrees inside my heart
for awhile now but you've come along like
an early spring
thawing me out and bringing color to my days
making everything
and me

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