Monday, June 22, 2009

russian lullaby.

it's my half birthday. oh yessssss!
and i start school [summer @ uc] in the morning.
and im soooo chi-city in less than a month.
and my best friend will be soooo cin cin nasti in a month.
summer is about to get good. starting today
and what better way to usher it in than with a complimentary poem?

russian lullaby.

that's the name of my favorite
john coltrane song because it literally
lulls me to sleep, eyelids heavy
the cares and concerns of the world tucked
under my pillow until i wake

and right now the song
is playing but i'm wide awake
sitting up in my bed, texting
you and smiling inside when i hear
the ringtone back because
how could i possibly sleep
when you are on my mind

and i know i've gotten it so wrong
so many times this year
that i could be a jaded angry bitch
giving you the third degree
and on a questioning rampage but

i learned from my mistakes and
heartaches and i now know
that rushing in head first doesn't work
it's best to take it slow

and it's nothing but a crush
but i feel debilitated like i have got
to know everything about you
the reason behind that smile and
your favorite things to do on weekends
and the type of music you work out to
and. everything.

i'm trying to fall asleep
but you've got coltrane beat

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