Monday, November 24, 2008

him, minus one.

so we were talking at dinner
about you and angie mentioned
that she had done some facebook stalking and
that you're back on the market.

i almost got whiplash how quickly
i turned my head to get my blackberry out
do some facebook stalking my damn self
and confirmed this to be true.

and i try to contain my glee because
you've done this before with her because
three years is a long time because
well. it just is. but i think
and clearly im biased but you should
let it burn. or, hell. let me set it on fire
for you.

and i remember that conversation we
had awhile back well
more like a month ago
when i told you that
we couldn't be friends because i wanted
you more than that and every dude
i have thought about talking to
since i met you i have compared
to you but they never add up so you see
its driving me crazy and we need to take a break.

so we took a break. but we got back together
in the platonic sense and you've been there
for me ever since but ever since that night
when you were like
if i didn't have a girl
me and you would work

well. let's get to work.

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