Tuesday, April 14, 2009

13 / 30 : april showers.

so it's been a few days since i wrote something legit. my mother was in town, my best friend probated, and in general, things have been wild. but here we go :

april showers

today was bipolar
pouring one second
sunny the next

but it seemed like no better time than
the present
to make the past
new again

and no one will ever understand
just exactly when or how
things fell apart but
everyone wants to give
their two cents

and if i sat and added up
everyone's two cents
i'd be sporting prada loafers

but the fact that its april
and things that were buried
can blossom
not into the same flower
but something like it
gives me hope
that this extended metaphor
for this unfortunate circumstance
could eventually bloom

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