Thursday, December 04, 2008


i woke up today like it was khristmas
and then i felt sick to the stomach
because i forgot that while things arent bad
they arent exactly right either.

we used to talk about this day
with krazy excitement and anticipation
and while i was making my sign i kouldnt help
but wonder if you'd even appreciate it.

but by the end of the night
after your sons had krossed we
presented you with the big sign
2.5 by 1 ft squared of love
to my surprise you smiled
and beamed and hugged like
it was khristmas.

and it was then i got it
things change
neos become prophytes
prophytes become oldheads
i've become Me
and you've become You
and even though we kant
be who we used to be
we kan turn something old into
something new

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