Saturday, April 11, 2009

10 / 30 : love.

this weekend is finna be bonkerssssss.


not the kind of
kiss you in the middle of the night
and hold you tight
type of love

but you love that you have for
your sister
your soulmate
your best friend

the kind of love
that can stand the test of time
can hurdle any obstacle
can move mountains

and after its all said and done
you can sit back and chat
like nothing had ever changed.

because in the end
with love like that
nothing will make a difference.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

9 / 30 : girltalk.

whoooa yes lord. got a perm today so im feeling fierce. but its supposed to rain tomorrow :( but its going to be a good weekend. my mommy is coming down and what not.
andddddd [drumroll]
in the new president of vanderbilt spoken word!!!!! a weekend to celebrate. 
but before then....a poem! 
as usual, nate prolly got off his ass and wrote a poem here. and u can be sure that there are dope poems on the 3030 cypher here


girl, don't you know that
i've been in your shoes before
thought the same thoughts talked
the same talk negativity oozing
out of my pores and bitterness
tearing away at my humanity

sitting here looking at you is like
looking back at me mirror image
of who i used to be but i refuse
to let anyone tell me to stifle my swag
and modify my destiny
and i wont let them tell you that either

girl, the tears that have dropped down your face
are identical to my own and
i've felt the doubt that you feel when
you walk into a room 
and when the paranoia that they are talking
about you heads your way
turn your pretty head girl
don't let them ruin your day

because i let it ruin months and months
and ate me inside out
if i could turn back the hands of time
there would be no doubt
my attitude would change and my swag
would have never faltered
and when i see someone like you
being hurt like someone like me
i cant help but be bothered

you are beautiful beyond belief
and you have an unconquerable soul
your wisdom is beyond your years
and you'll conquer all of your fears
in due time

but for right now let this marinate
and i know it will hurt to do
but by the end of the road
when you turn and look back 
you'll see that letting the anger brew
would do nothing at all
so if you can bear witness to your enemies
look them in the face and stand tall
trust me when i say, 
girl, one day 
you'll have 
it all

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

8 / 30 : ink.

so im at my spoken word meeting, which i guess is the perfect time to write this gotdamn poem. 
today was legit crazy..did not sleep. had a test and a paper. i looked homeless all day. i pretty much fell asleep during my test. i wanted to hang myself.
and then i went to prison. to visit. and my day got alot better.
as usual, nate mahhhhhhhhshawww is over here. and 3030 is over here. dig that. 


thirty twenty something kids
seated in chairs facing six
inmates, felons, convicts
and at first the tension 
stacked high like the berlin wall in 88
but then it fell down
as we related to their struggles

the man on the far left
claimed GD
the ultimate fraternity
the only way out is in a box

was decorated with 
a million tattoos and
i raised my hands and asked
if he didn't mind
telling me what they meant

he didn't

he had hard time written on his knuckles
and other insignias
that he swore he couldn't speak of
dollar signs on his adams apple
marijuana up his sleeve
a six pointed stair on his shoulder blade
and he sure isnt jewish

on his back he said
because he obviously couldnt show me
a scroll with a knife through it
stabbed in the back
by his friends who he trusted
inked in roman gothic
saying Lord, protect me from my friends
because i can handle my enemies

if i ever got tatted up, 
i'd probably get
the same thing

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

7 / 30 : hot and bothered.

so its 5:45 in the morning and today i was listening to my itouch and i hear this crazyyyy noise. my fan broke. i like to keep my room cool. my sleep cycle is already fucked and im burning up in this room and i cant sleep so...why not write it out.
i'll probably end up writing another poem by the end of the day, which hasn't legit begun. 2 poem limits per day though is the rule. i'll adhere.
....but seriously, does anyone have a fan i can borrow until the end of the month?

hot and bothered

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tied is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity
-- William Butler Yeats

i can't help by lay on my back
in my room and i'm sweating
beads sliding down my furrowed brow
as i wonder where and when
things fell apart

my fan is broken and although im 
burning up one of the main reasons
i keep it on al the time is the noise
drowns out everything in the hall
everything outside
everything in me

and now that i threw it down the chute
silence fills the room and
my thoughts are trickling down my face
and i can hear the pit pat of the
raindrops on this april morning

i guess i'll buy a new fan tomorrow
because i can't live like this
staying up until 6 am 
worrying about these issues
that are suffocating me 
with sweltering density

things fall apart
this i know to be true and i've
seen it happen so often this year
that i admit
that i've stopped trying to build up
what i know the tide will come
and wash away

but be that as it may
on this april morning i lay
veering between 
a lack of conviction and
a passionate intensity 
for the first time all year i hear
the kirkland bell tolling for me
im sweating and im swearing
that i'd stop caring
because these tools are to worn
to begin again
and why fight a battle
that you can't win
because things

6 / 30 : photograph.

so i went to bed at 7 am, woke up at 8:45 for class, and somehow managed to stay up until 3:30 until i fell the hell asleep. bless my heart.
mondays suck. but poems make it all better.
as usual, check out mr. marshall over here. and the 30/30 cypher here.
let's get it.


im browsing through my macbook
trying to create a slideshow of
the year past and i realized
that these memories are still
burned into my skull and
etched in my heart no matter
how far i try to put you out of my mind

and theres a picture of the two of us
candid as hell, neither looking at the camera
your mouth is wide open
big white teeth gleaming
gear fresh as usual
my chinky eyes are wide shut
as i grin with glee
and we're sharing a moment
when nothing else mattered
when we were still
best friends
and its captured on film
for me to look at and to remember
the september
before everything fell apart

and if you're reading this
just know that this poem
only a few lines long
took me 30 minutes to write
because its hard to type
when im looking at this photograph
and the pain escapes
through tears running down my cheeks

Monday, April 06, 2009

5 / 30 : freeze. [like me]

i'm exhausteddddddddd.
this poem is mad late! damn!
check out knasty knate's, one of NP's newest and un4gettable NUPES, poetry over here.

freeze. [like me]

i guess i must be getting older
or maybe i can finally
blame it on the alcohol
but last night after the festivities
after being cooped up in room 1108
for a semester i decided to have some fun

and i wanted to dance with you
all night and when i finally did
it was worth it and it was cool but
what i'll remember the most
about that party was in a 
half drunken half sober
entirely honest mood
when i told you how i felt
about you

and after i whispered that in your ear
it was like the rest of the party
and everything
and for that moment in time
after i gave up the ghost
i felt really,

Sunday, April 05, 2009

4 / 30 : kongratulations.

i'm running a little late but i have a good excuse.
my good friends nate and jeremy kame out as men of kappa alpha psi today. i kouldnt be any prouder of them and their akkomplishments!!!!!!!!!!
peep nate's blog, as usual, here. he might have something special written today :)


i woke up at 11
walked the bride across 21st
paid 23 dollars for a hat
definitely dropped over 100, easy
spent 2 hours making signs
running on 3 hours of sleep
almost suffocated myself with a number 5 balloon
and drew approximately 1911 diamonds today.

i am exhausted.

but to see my boys
show the whole world
that they are men of achievement
and men of good kharacter
brought tears to my eyes
and made every last cent
and ever last second
worth it

kongrats, nate and jeremy.