Monday, August 10, 2009

21 / 30 : rainbows.

after a talk with my friend last week,
about the struggles he deals with being gay 
in america i felt for him and cried over the keyboard
this is for you


i can envision you in my head
as a little boy growing up strong
in a city that could do nothing but
encircle you with endless love
and a mother who would give the world
for you 
who couldn't wait to see her son 
graduate high school, college,
marry a beautiful woman,
bring some grand babies to her front porch
to be nestled and nuzzled
with her wisdom and love

but you knew for as long as you could remember
that you were born to live out a different
existence, a destiny you couldn't fight
it was innate and 
it was internal you knew 
it would break her heart if you ever told her

after a storm and a rainbow appeared
would you peep your head outside
and look up
were you jealous of its unabashed exhibition
a million fragments of flamboyant color
arched across a conservative sky 
did you wish you could run out
of the closet
to dance in the rain puddles
spread your arms like the angel
you are
and proclaim your existence
you've been here this whole time
a victim of the system of
midwestern values strung you up
from the highest skyscraper and 
lynched your pride 

did you
hate lying to your mother 
across the breakfast table about who 
you were with last night and what
you did last night and who
you were last night because it never
seemed like the right time 
to make her cry and as the years
passed by you couldn't find the time in your blackberry
to schedule that talk with her 
you simply didn't want to 

and did she tear away at your humanity
when you finally came out of your cocoon
emerged into a butterfly before her eyes
and she rejected the man she had raised
did you want to run back to the closet
lock the door
turn off the light and
fade to black 
but there was no turning back

did you lay in your bed at night
unable to slumber peacefully 
a product of the city that never sleeps
and did you reach deep inside yourself
and prayed for God to make it all well again
whatever that meant
whatever that may be
as tears as thick as skittles
cascaded down your cheeks 
evaporated in the air and painted
the rainbows in the sky 
that you were too afraid to do yourself

i can't imagine the places 
and predicaments that simply being
who you are has put you through
it rained in cincinnati today
and even though you're hundreds
of miles away 
a rainbow 
peeked through
the clouds of my midwestern sky
and i couldn't help but think
of you


David Chris Garrett said...

beautifully heartfelt, as always

ashley rhae. said...

thank you handsome