Friday, October 09, 2009

2 / 30 : big.

this weekend is about to be real boring. meh. poem time.


after i spoke to you today and you left out the door
you put the proverbial nail in the coffin
of this terrible week
may it rest in peace
while i pick up the pieces

in the commons i'm trying desperately
to appear presidential
immaculately dressed with a poker face
voice quivering out of a frozen smile
i walk off stage and take a picture
standing noble like barack with his nobel
pieces of me dance across the lens
i stand tall but i can't help but feel
so small

in the bathroom i'm washing pools of mascara
from my face
charcoal and koal dripping into the bowl
a little girl comes in with blonde hair and a bowl cut
standing on her tip toes
to wash her hands clean from paint

after she scrubbed her innocence off
she turned to me
still washing my sorrow down the drain
and said
i saw you on stage with the microphone
looked so tall
your voice is so cool
and big

i smiled and said thank you
held the door for her as she excited
and ran off to get some apple cider
i couldn't help but find it funny
that a little six year old girl helped me
grow so quick
from small to back to big

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