Thursday, December 18, 2008

mr. marshall [and the morning before].

so in my finals frenzy
or sort of...lack of
i have been sleeping crazy amounts
12 hours
15 hours
at a time and today i woke up
in an anxious overdrive
looking the hottest of hot messes
but quite aware that today
and this morning i have to go harder
than ever before

so i'm in the bcc printing off free stuff
gotta love the bcc
and i noticed a head poke in the doorway
then pokes back out. but im not really concerned
general logic and blues are the only things
on my mind but the same head
with a body attached comes in the room
and starts to speak to me
and intelligent intelligible words come out

his name was andrew marshall
and told me about him studying
at johns hopkins and how he's 22
but he looks like he's 27 because until
you've tried to cure AIDS you don't know
what tired is and he said that i was
a beautiful black woman despite the fact
that i was wearing a ratty bengals hat
little to no makeup and my hair tied up
in a mean, 5 second bun

i packed up my 80 pages of general logic
work that i should have studied months ago
and bid him adieu but not before
mr. marshall asked me
to hit him up
and i've been so tired
studying and studying and studying
that i totally forgot that
unbeknownst to me
i broke my new years resolution
before it even started.

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