Thursday, April 23, 2009

23 / 30 : colin.

exam one was today. oh, rosie. damn.
and then spoken word grand slam rehearsals. we are bad asses.
poem time.


i would never imagined that
one of my favorite people
on the planet would be a 19 
year old chinese dude from LA but
life has a funny way of putting you
in the situations you need to be in
to meet the people that will make you

and our friendship is based on a 
mutual obsession of the office and
making fun of other people and 
staying up late and fucking around but
as trivial as all that may sound those
are some of my favorite memories
i've had this year 

in ASB as far as placements go
we say sometimes they get the
group dynamic wrong, sometimes

sometimes they get it really
really right.

and despite all of the
fuckery that looms on the horizon
i can take solace knowing that my
mariah carey every song havin
philosophy paper writin
cost-co surplus buying
wisecrackin buzzed haircut 
bully/softie of a friend
will only be
a tower away

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